
Showing posts from 2021

Poem: Mars

Mars Welcome to Mars, we've got all-American bars, And Cadillac, dust-fuelled, decadent cars. Beer made from barley grown in the light of the moon; A mega-Martian hotel with an earth-side view; A Musk-mounted telescope to look back at the ruins; A virtual ocean to dip your toes in - and a chemical balancer to help you keep going. Algorithmic auto-immune fixers;  homo-deus with a neon-based mixers,  drinking til' blue dusk as last light on earth flickers. The deep sea takes its last breath, the fish cry out in the tide of death. Penguins waddle on the last bit of ice, bodies burnt black until there's no shade of white, Nowhere in sight. Only the unrelenting fist of the sun,  Punching down at the carcass of civilisation undone. Television fried, underground bunkers un-survived, here in the desert Ozymandias lies; 'Look all on my works and despair!' The nano AI looks on with faux care, makes a Microsoft Mars © note to share, Then sends to trash - 'Too much of a dep...

Part Eleven: The Travel Diary of South-east Asia

The Travel Diary of South-east Asia Here continues the series for anyone who is interested about my travels two years ago. I spent three months in South-east Asia. Though true to the actual handwritten diary in terms of events which I recorded on my trip day-to-day, I have changed the names and where possible gone into more detail for each day with the luxury of having a laptop this time around! For part ten click  here .  Part eleven concerns Phnom Penh in Cambodia and Sihanoukville.   12th of February 2019 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia I woke up with a vague itch on my back, had my breakfast and walked in the scorching heat to Wat Phnom. What an incredible place. Statues stood looming on either side of the red walls that lined the staircase and I climbed marvelling once again at the religious architecture.      As I approached the main pagoda I noticed once again the symmetricality of the scene and began to feel a palpable atmosphere rising, but one of the oppos...

Part Ten: The Travel Diary of South-east Asia

    The Travel Diary of South-east Asia Here continues the series for anyone who is interested about my travels two years ago. I spent three months in South-east Asia. Though true to the actual handwritten diary in terms of events which I recorded on my trip day-to-day, I have changed the names and where possible gone into more detail for each day with the luxury of having a laptop this time around! For part nine click  here . Part ten concerns Phnom Penh in Cambodia and The Killing Fields, so it is distressing reading. 9th of February 2019 - Siem Reap, Cambodia Why does there have to be hangovers? Could you imagine how much better and simpler life would be if drinking wasn’t bad for you?      I woke up needing a piss about three times in the night and enjoyed only a few hours before my body just decided it needed to wake up at 7am. So I wearily got up and got my standard egg baguette breakfast at the cheap place down the road and then went and booked my m...