
Showing posts from December, 2019

Poem: Head in the Sand

Head in the Sand Carriage of gloom Of existential weight  Embody this grey Sunday  I hope we're all fucking late And miss the Monday meetings  The five alarms, the shitty cereal bars The morning coffee, the search for car keys The suit and noose, the lonely commute The forced smile, the-must-be-done-by-5-file The belligerent boss, the colleague constantly cross The three pound meal deal, the aching that your eyes feel The signing of the time sheet, the creak of the seat The sepulchral sound of the phone ring, the sluggish clock dreadfully ticking The hours, seconds, minutes of our life away I hope we're all fucking late If you don't know what you're working for, head in the sand let's work some more Rain snow or shine there is no forgiving just relentless business until your morals are spinning And your weekend away flys by in the blink of an eye and screech the Sunday train Blue and as unwilling as the rest of us Tied t...

Film: Quantum of Solace (2008)

The Importance of the Screenwriter Quantum of Solace  (2008, dir. Mark Forster), the second instalment in the Daniel Craig era of the James Bond series, is quite easily the worst film I have sat through recently, I remembered it being ok, I couldn’t have been more wrong. The thing is though, it really didn’t have to be so awful. But contracts have to be honoured; the latest shit-smelling 007 aftershaves and Omega watches insufferable marketing campaigns can’t be delayed, and so Mark Forster began shooting… without a script! This was of course due to the 2007-08 writer’s guild of America strike, in which screenwriters rightfully made a stand against the severe pay constraints in their job contracts, which had them redrafting for nothing amongst other blatant exploitation by Hollywood.  Whilst the director will always receive due praise, the screenwriter remains elusive in praise or recognition, but this film serves as a great example as to just how important the...

Trying to Pin Down the Magic of Performing Live...

A Short Poem: This Hour Playing live music is THE best thing I do in my life. After playing some headline shows and getting a taste of the power live performance can have, realising how unique the experience can be for each person and simultaneously how it proves such commonality between us all, I wrote this little piece.  Give us this hour of uncontrollable joy Of purity Of community  Of music, that one great thing that unites us and speaks through our ancestors in the beat of the drum, the pluck of the bass the strum of the guitar and the voice that rests within us all Give us this moment that autonomises us from greed and fear, that cruel lucifer that binds us to phones antoginises our addictions and distracts us from our true potential For this hour we become human beings again and ride on the wave of joy This is all of ours, this casts light into the darkness creating memories that glue us together for eternity Be good to yourself for once and forget...